Let Us Help Your Kids Develop Healthy Dental Habits
Small Smiles is an independent, locally owned and operated dental clinic in Reno, NV. We have been serving our community and caring for the children of the Truckee Meadows since 2005.

Our team knows that nothing in the world gives parents more joy than seeing a warm smile spread across their children's faces. We want your kids to have everything in the world, so they can smile unabashedly, confidently, and beautifully. At Small Smiles, we have the passion, dedication, commitment, and knowledge to make that happen.
To provide the best service to every child in the area, we cheerfully accept the Nevada Children's Health Insurance Program and Medicaid FFS, in addition to private insurance and cash payments. Small Smiles is also an approved National Health Service Corps site and offers a Sliding Fee Scale for our patients without insurance who may be experiencing financial difficulties.